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International Student House ITBS

The International Student House (ITBS) is a non-profit organisation that aims to contribute to the integration of students from developing countries into Belgian society for the time they are studying in Belgium.

Our houses


18 rooms

Lange Sint-Annastraat

14 rooms


8 studios - 27 rooms

Let ITBS guide you in finding your room!

Cathy will help you out with any kind of questions about our houses or your stay in Antwerp, so don't hesitate to reach out.

Connecting students is our mission

We are updating all the houses and are keeping the residents informed about the progress. We organize cultural, social activities to connect the students with each other and enlarge their support group.

About ITBSorganisation

ITBS provides accommodation to students, PhD students and trainees from Africa, Asia and Latin America. ITBS consists of 3 student houses, located around Antwerp.

ITBS stands for a “home away from home atmosphere”. It is not just a regular student house, but a meeting place for students from all over the world.

BE 0410.182.415
© Udesite

account nr. IBAN: BE 77 4062 3801 2142, BIC: KREDBEBB in the name of Internationaal Tehuis voor Buitenlandse Studenten vzw